Our unsung heros

The following is a list of our Club Presidents from the beginning of the club in 1923. These outstanding people represent a tradition carried through many eras. With our 100th Club Anniversary upcoming, interest in the history of the club is no better encapsulated than in the Meraloma Club history book “Once a Mermaid” by long time members Doug Sturrock and Tom Keast.

Dates are organised by the date the president took over.

  • 2021 - Matt Plester (current)

  • 2016 - 2021 Chris Brydon

    2011 - 2016 Martin Gotel

  • 2009 - 2011 Drew Sagar

  • 1995 - 2009 Martin Gotel

    1993 - 1995 Rochelle Wallace

    1990 - 1993 Henry Edmonds

  • 1986 - 1990 Mike Cleaver

    1984 - 1986 Gary Cohen

    1982 - 1984 Tom Keast

  • 1979 - 1982 Gary Fumano

    1977 - 1979 Ian Donald

    1974 - 1977 John Podmore

    1971 - 1974 Fred Sturrock

    1971 - 1972 Dave Frid

    1970 - 1971 Barrie Burnham

  • 1968 - 1970 Fred Sturrock

    1967 - 1968 Bruce McIntosh

    1965 - 1967 Jack Tasaka

    1964 - 1965 Glen Stover

    1961 - 1964 Dave Frid

  • 1959 - 1961 Bruce McIntosh

    1958 - 1959 Don Shiel

    1957 - 1958 Laurie Feeney

    1955 - 1957 James Dunbar

  • 1949 - 1955 D.L. 'Buzz' Moore

    1948 - 1949 Jack Ewart

    1947 - 1948 Ian Patterson

    1946 - 1947 Tom Williams

    1942 - 1945 Stuart Fraser

  • 1939 - 1946 Jack Bain

    1938 - 1940 George R. MacDonald

    1937 - 1938 Harry C.F. Spring

    1936 - 1937 Harold J Merilees

    1935 - 1936 R.W. 'Bill' Pitt

    1934 - 1935 A.G. Duncan Crux

    1933 - 1934 Dr. J. R. Ingledew

    1932 - 1933 James Pollock

    1931 - 1932 W.M. 'Ted' Black

    1930 - 1931 Les Lythgoe

  • 1929 - 1930 I. Miller

    1928 - 1930 Norman S Howard

    1927 - 1928 C.S. "Sax" Crossley

    1926 - 1927 James Edwards

    1924 - 1926 William Edwards

    1923 - 1924 Mermaids (Formative Years)